Pedro Luis Mercado, también conocido como Peter, nació en Manhattan, NY. Peter y su familia se mudaron a Aibonito, Puerto Rico cuando él tenía alrededor de 5 años. Luego se mudan a Hartford, CT, donde Peter asistió a Hartford Public High School y se graduó en la clase de 1986. Peter luego asistió a la Universidad de Connecticut y la Escuela de Negocios Morse, donde obtuvo un Certificado en Contabilidad. Como residente de Hartford desde 1984, Peter ha estado activo en la comunidad y las responsabilidades cívicas. Peter siempre ha jugado béisbol desde pequeño con sus hermanos ya que su padre, Víctor Mercado, era el entrenador del equipo La Plata, en su pueblo natal Aibonito Puerto Rico. Peter fundó la Liga de Softbol Los Amigos en 2009 y hasta la fecha es el presidente de la liga. Peter hace parte de la junta directiva de varias organizaciones incluyendo CICD Puerto Rican Parade, Colt Park Foundation y Hartford Yard Goats. Es importante notar que Peter fue un componente clave para traer un equipo profesional de ligas menores y un equipo de fútbol profesional a Hartford CT. Peter es una figura importante en su comunidad y se enorgullece de poder reconocer a otros en la comunidad.
Luis A. Román is the Vice President of Los Amigos Softball League since 2022. Prior to the position of the Vice President of Los Amigos Softball League, Luis was the Manager of the CT Astros softball team for several years.
Maria Negron was born in Vega Alta Puerto Rico. She has dedicated over 36 years of her life serving Hartford’s community. As a community organizer she has fought for resident’s rights and empowered them to accomplish many changes while working at Hartford Areas Rally Together (HART). Her caring and compassion for helping others, as well as her dedication, opened many doors. While employed for The City of Hartford, she continued her studies as Social Worker, and helped the elderly and disabled community at the city’s Health and Human Services Department. She also served as the Chairperson for The Hartford’s Puerto Rican Parade, creating awareness and appreciation for Puerto Rican culture and history. Ms. Negron has seen the potential in many individuals in Hartford and has empowered them to pursue their fullest potential, as they developed great skills and have become thriving community members and leaders. Many leaders in the community know Maria for her commitment and integrity through her contributions to the community. At San Juan Center, Inc Ms. Negron continues working and developing strategies to address community needs. Proud mother of Daniel & Omayra, granddaughter’s, Maria, Avery, Hanna, Isabel and Mia.
El Obispo Jeremiah Torres, ha estado en ministerio por los último 38 años, como el profeta Jeremías, él fue llamado, “Antes que te formase en el vientre te conocí, antes que nacieras, te santifique; y te llamé como profeta a las naciones.” El Obispo Torres se graduó del Colegio Bíblico Mizpa, en Puerto Rico. Más tarde continuó sus estudios, mientras ministraba en Puerto Rico, en el Caribbean College y en la Universidad Interamericana. Durante el tiempo que estuvo ministrando en Puerto Rico, Dios lo llamó de regreso a los Estados Unidos. Siguiendo el llamado de Dios, él comienza a pastorear la iglesia Casa de Restauración, en Hartford, CT. Más tarde el Obispo Torres es elegido como presidente de la Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostal. Varios años después, es ordenado como obispo de la misma. Actualmente, él supervisa iglesias, en los Estados Unidos, Panamá, Ecuador, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, y República Dominicana. El Obispo Torres dirigió un proyecto de construcción, un edificio para la gloria de Dios el cual acomoda 1,500 personas y cuenta con un salón multiuso y varios salones de clase. El Obispo Torres recibió un Título de Doctorado Honorífico de la Universidad Latina de Teología. El Obispo Torres está casado desde 1984 con la Rev. Miriam L. Torres, M.E.T. Su deseo es ver el Reino de Dios expandirse y que las vidas sean restauradas. Jeremiah y Miriam son los padres de tres maravillosos hijos: Jeremiah Jr., casado con Charlene, Priscila Elisa, casada con Gabriel y Vanessa Marie. Hoy son abuelos de 5 preciosos nietos. Ellos son una parte integral del ministerio, y los tres están activamente en el ministerio.
Claudia J. Sánchez llegó a Hartford, Connecticut el 29 de agosto del 2004 desde su país natal República Dominicana. Comenzó a ejercer su profesión de estilista el 31 de agosto del mismo año. Tres años después abrió su propio salón de belleza en la ciudad. Hoy veinte años después, Claudia es una exitosa empresaria hace inversiones en su país natal y desde la distancia cuida del bienestar económico de su familiares en la República Dominicana aportando así al progreso de sus sobrinos y seres queridos.
Celeste Tapia, Business Relations Coordinator at Community Economic Development Fund, helps entrepreneurs prepare for successful loan applications through the organization's educational programs. Celeste holds a bachelor's degree in information science and has worked for ten years in libraries, where she particularly enjoyed helping small business owners identify resources to start or grow their businesses. Born in Argentina, Celeste is bilingual, which has enabled her to lead the expansion of CEDF's business education offerings in Spanish. As a business owner, she has shared in her clients' hopes, concerns, doubts, and the joy, enthusiasm, and empowerment that entrepreneurship brings.
Manuel "Manny" Zaldivar, originally from Honduras, is the 2016 Milken Educator recipient for CT. He arrived in this country in 1998. He studied English for a year at the New York Language Center in the Bronx, NY. He has been an educator for the past 20 years beginning his career in New York as a teacher assistant, then to a teacher and finally an instructional coach at Family Life Academy Charter School in the Bronx. In 2009, Manuel moved to Bristol, Connecticut and became the intervention coordinator for Achievement First Hartford Academy Elementary school. He worked with the Consolidated School District of New Britain as a dual language teacher and English Language Development (ELD) first grade classroom teacher at Smalley Elementary School, where he also served as an ELD coach. During the 2015-2016 school year, Manuel was awarded the Smalley Elementary School teacher of the year. He has served as Grade Level and the ELD team lead teacher. In 2018-2019, he became the assistant principal at Chamberlain Elementary School, transitioning to interim principal the following year. Currently, Manuel is the principal at Chamberlain Elementary School in CSDNB. Manuel has been a member of the Connecticut Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (CALAS) for several years and served in the role of Regional Representative before being elected into the position of Secretary on the new Executive Board. He earned a Bachelor of Science in computer system and management applications in 2004 from Fordham University, a Master of Science in childhood education in 2007 from Lehman College at the City University of New York and completed the Bilingual-cross endorsement courses at Southern Connecticut State University. In 2016, he completed the administrator certification program at Sacred Heart University.